Relax, Trust the Process

I intend this post to reach people who need it. My Dear Friends!! Drop whatever you are doing and close your eyes and take a few deep refreshing breaths. Be calm and relax. Do it quite often. Especially when things are not going your way. Shh!! I am Going To Tell You A Secret: I will tell you a top-secret. When you relax and go with the flow the chances of getting what you want is very high. You delay the process, when you stress out about the same thing and focus on not having it . The key here is accepting the current situation as it is. Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts: Out of the blue suddenly sometimes we feel bad for no reason. On those days take a notebook and journal about how you feel. No need to panic if you feel like that. we are all humans. it's natural to feel like that once in a while. Even if you are on your spiritual path. Be conscious and mindful of the thought process. Don't judge those thoughts just accept them and keep your hands in your heart...