It Is Time To Heal💓

I intend this post to lead you to the path of healing and freedom. Have you ever thought about why you are experiencing some kind of pattern in your life? Do you think it is already been written?. Well, that might be true. As we all know we have been given life to experience and learn certain lessons to evolve as a soul and merge with the highest form of consciousness. the tough task here is to find out the ones which we can understand and process. Some situations in life cannot be controlled. If you are in such kind of situation, just surrender and trust the process. Be kind to yourself. Either the situation will change or you Will come out of the situation. Just as Christina says If it looks like a threat to your life by all means come out of it. Some things can be changed like your perception about a situation, habits, way of thinking, etc.. Most of us try to distract ourselves to stop thinking about a particular person or a situation. ...