Happiness Quotes By Philosophers

The definition of happiness has changed a lot in these modern times. We are busy chasing something that we forget to pause and enjoy every moment of our life. " Where can I find happiness?" is the common question in everyone's mind right now. Let’s get to know how ancient philosophers have defined happiness Happiness Quotes By Famous Philosophers: “We are happiest when doing what, by nature, we were born to do best.” - Aristotle As Aristotle says when we do something that we love to do it doesn’t feel like a task. It comes out naturally and at its best. Find out what you are good at and start doing it and remember, it is never too late. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” Marcus Aurelius We can’t deny that our happiness depends on the quality of our thought. Once we learn to control our brains and thoughts, we will be the happiest person on earth. “Enjoy yourself — it’s later than you think.”- Socrates. Socrates encourages us to e...