Happiness Quotes By Philosophers

 The definition of happiness has changed a lot in these modern times. We are busy chasing something that we forget to pause and enjoy every moment of our life. "Where can I find happiness?" is the common question in everyone's mind right now. Let’s get to know how ancient philosophers have defined happiness 

Happiness Quotes By Famous Philosophers:

“We are happiest when doing what, by nature, we were born to do best.” - Aristotle

As Aristotle says when we do something that we love to do it doesn’t feel like a task. It comes out naturally and at its best. Find out what you are good at and start doing it and remember, it is never too late.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
Marcus Aurelius

We can’t deny that our happiness depends on the quality of our thought. Once we learn to control our brains and thoughts, we will be the happiest person on earth.

“Enjoy yourself — it’s later than you think.”- Socrates.

Socrates encourages us to enjoy every moment of our lives and to live our life to the fullest because life is short and temporary. While we are here, let’s enjoy it.

To be truly happy and contented, you must let go of what it means to be happy or content.”- Confucius.

Confucius asks us to stop searching for the reason for happiness outside. Happiness is something that is within us.

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy”-Rumi

Rumi has beautifully explained how it feels to do something with your whole heart and soul. It is a blessing to find what it is and to experience genuine joy.

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you”. -Lao TZU

Lao Tzu beautifully explains true happiness. According to him being content with what you have is the correct step toward happiness.


Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.”–Henry David Thoreau

This quote is one of my favorites. When you train your brain to stop chasing happiness and when you focus on other important things. Eventually, you will get it.

True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so, wants nothing” -Seneca.

Staying in the present solves most of the issues and paved way for happiness 

“The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.”-Epictetus 

Absolutely true happiness lies within us, not in that job, money, or relationship.

When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” - Albert Camus.

Albert Camus explains happiness poetically, and it is very true when you see the smile on your loved ones' faces and you know you are the reason behind it. It makes you the happiest person in the world.

Happiness is man’s greatest aim in life. Tranquility and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness.”


Once you know how to be in a state of peace and tranquility, everything will fall into place.

“If only we wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, which is difficult, since we think them happier than they are.”

Charles de Montesquieu

Comparison is the enemy of happiness. If you want to compare and compete, do it with yourself. Jealousy is the root cause of unhappiness.


Happiness means different things to different old people. Let’s list the true meaning of happiness, according to the philosophers:

  • We will be the happiest when we do things we love to do 
  • Happiness is around within us and not externally 
  • Happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts
  • Enjoy every second of your life.
  • Stop looking for a reason for happiness. You should be happy just as you are.
  • Don’t chase happiness if you concentrate on other things. Happiness will fall in your lap.
  • Happiness is making your loved one happy.
Let’s take these wise words from philosophers and try leasing a happy life.

Love you all❤️


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