Soul Calling

I have been getting this intense feeling to nurture myself with self-love. It has directed me to a healthy way of living. I would say I am being forced by the universe to take care of my mind, body, and soul and also to spread the word to my fellow souls who have come here to this beautiful planet at this point in time. It is a wonderful time to be alive on this planet. We are been given a chance to correct all the mistakes that we have been doing and get back to the old way of living. I will share with you the list of nudges that I got in the past few months.

I was neglecting the time to nurture my body. My routine was to wake up, get ready and log in to work. Eat and then sleep. I almost become a robot who has been programmed with instructions to do work, eat, and sleep πŸ’€. I ignored my intuitions which said "hey girlπŸ‘€!! What are you doing with the beautiful life that has been given to you? Are you here just to work till you die?" I just ignored it every single time

They gave me an early morning shift. I was hesitant, and I almost declined the offer. Again my intuition came in and said "what's wrong with trying it? ". I accepted the offer, and that is how it all started. I got a lot of time in the evening to do all the things that I love. Especially to do self-care routinesπŸ’–

I started doing meditation and yoga every single day

I had a strong nudge to stop using all the chemicals and to use natural products for eating and to nurture my skin.

Mother nature wanted me to spend time with her and connect with her. She was showing all those beautiful colors and sounds, which encouraged me to wake up early in the morning to watch her wake up as I woke up.

It forced me to change my biological sleep patterns to sleep early and get up early.

I did meditation as I start my day and as I end my day.

Something nudged me to be mindful of thoughts because thoughts have the power to create your reality.

I also got into a skincare routine at least once a week and at least one day of complete relaxation and rest.

and guess what, I have never felt so alive and healthy ever before.

I have reduced eating meat and drinking milk. Reducetarian.

Everyone in my family started eating home-cooked fresh food and started avoiding outside food

I also have a strong feeling to start a terrace garden to plant and use vegetables from my own farm. We have already started it with a few plants. Hoping to increase it soon.

It is time for us to get to the old way of living. Our ancestors could balance the body, mind, and spirit. In this modern age, we are completely neglecting a part of us to cope with others. This is not leading us anywhere. If your soul asks you to do something, just trust and do it. Even if it goes wrong, It will make you wise. I encourage each one of you to listen to the nudges that you are getting lately. I am going to do a 30-day challenge. 30 days of meditation, yoga, and self-care.  Listen to your intuition. It is trying to tell you something and waiting for the day you will trust it. Love you all guys!!. 


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