Self love Tips And Tricks
It is easy for us to love and accept others with their flaws. It is a tough task to love ourselves.
Important points to remember-self love edition
1. Love your flaws
2. Be there for yourself. You need yourself as much as others need you.
3. It's completely alright to be imperfect.
4. Own your authenticity
5. Understand yourself and love yourself as you are
6. Forgive yourself often.
7. Be your Bestie
8. Take yourself on a date
9. Appreciate the progress that you are making
10. Fall in love with your personal growth over and over again
11. Walk away from anything that disturbs your peace
12. Let go of anything and everything that is keeping you caged.Set yourself free. Let yourself fly with joy, love, and freedom.
Journal prompt:
List out how you want your partner to treat you once you are done with the list, ask yourself whether you are treating yourself the way you want to be treated, and start giving yourself the love, care, and attention that you need.
Here is a pro tip:
Stand in from of a mirror and sing or play the "at my worst" song by looking into your eyes. Feel every lyric, knowing that you deserve that kind of love
All the best on your self-love journey. Love you all❤
How To love yourself | self-love tips and tricks
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