Happiness Is A Choice

Attitude of gratitude💖
Before you get down from the bed, start thanking God/universe/ almighty for giving you. A brand new day to live your dreams. Be thankful for the roof above your head. You will be amazed by the huge list that you get. You will feel happy and beautiful for the whole day.

Every day does something that makes your soul dance. do something creative, let your hand draws something. You don't have to be an expert to do something that you love. Don’t care about other's opinions or judgment.
Self Love
Love yourself. Accept the imperfections in yourself and
others. Be kind to yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and look into your
eyes. Do positive self-talk. start telling affirmations like "I love
myself", " I love each and every cell of my body", "I am
worthy", "I am brave", "I am strong" .etc.. you can
see the difference in your confidence from the very first day. Caution, be
ready to live a beautiful life filled with love :P. Love yourself
Connect With Nature💕

Do meditation and exercise every day. Sit in a quiet place
and connect with your soul. Do very easy
stretches and exercise. The advantages of doing meditation are boundless. It
makes you a happy person. It makes you peaceful and lovely. There is a surprise
bonus for you here, your face starts to glow. Your eyes sparkle. It makes you
beautiful inside out.
Let's make a choice to be happy every day and live our life
to the fullest️
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Good Ayshwarya. Keep sharing the goodness that you explore
ReplyDeleteThank you Prem. Will do😊