
 My dear readers!! Hope you are all filled with happiness and joy. I feel so aligned today that I couldn't stop myself from posting it. Self-love is underrated. We are ready to shower our love on others, but we forget that we deserve that love as well. I am going to share some of the practices that you can do to love yourself more.

Embrace who you are:

My beloved soul family. Be easy on yourself. You are unique and beautiful in your way. It's fine if you are messy, it's okay if you have made some mistakes. You still deserve all the love in this world.  Accept yourself.

Be it your lovable side or the less lovable side. Remember you are infinitely loved💓

Get Yourself Out Of  Toxic situations and People:

Be good but don't be too good to the level where you accept toxic behavior and toxic patterns. Love yourself enough to walk away from anything which is not serving you or your purpose. Know that you are worthy and you deserve people who love you genuinely. 

Set boundaries:

In my other post unconditional love, I said that no conditions, no rules just love however boundaries are very crucial and Essential. Boundaries are not conditions or rules. They are very different. It is something that you set for yourself because you love yourself. For example, Let's imagine that you love someone unconditionally but they take advantage of you and hurt you. This shows that you haven't set boundaries. It means that you have allowed them to be toxic with you in the name of love. Accepting toxic behavior is not unconditional love. Remember that it is ok to love someone from a safe distance where you won't get hurt, in the case of a toxic or dangerous relationship. 


Self-care is very important. As women tend to care about everyone around but we forget that we need to take care of ourselves to be in a position to take care of our loved ones. Love yourself so much that you adopt healthy eating habits. love yourself enough to exercise your body and keep it fit. Relax, and take a complete day off once a week. When life gets hectic go for a vacation

Difference between self-love and self-obsession

There is a thin line between self-love and self-obsession. self-love is when you walk away from a toxic person.  self-obsession is when you do things even when it is hurting someone who loves you truly. Knowing the difference between these two will save you and your loved ones in many ways. Many of us are becoming self-obsessed thinking that it is self-love

Let's take an oath to take care of ourselves and others. Let's not neglect anyone in the process. Let's make this place a better place. Let's live our life to the fullest. Let's make time for ourselves

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  1. So good, the way you differentiated the unconditional love and boundaries which needed for life and also about self obsession which hurts others. Keep writing gd work ����
    Best wishes ❤️
    Anonymous Inspirer


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